
Album Tangerine by Dexter Gordon

Album art work of Tangerine by Dexter Gordon
Disc #-Track #Song
Composer Lyrics Arranger
Additional Musicinas Group Name Soloists
Recording DateRecording LocationAttribution

Music:Victor Schertzinger
Dexter Gordon(ts),Thad Jones(flgn),Hank Jones(p),Stanley Clarke(b),Louis Hayes(d) 6/28 1972
  • Van Gelder Studio,Englewood Cliffs,NJ
    1-2August Blues

    Music:Dexter Gordon
    Dexter Gordon(ts),Thad Jones(flgn),Hank Jones(p),Stanley Clarke(b),Louis Hayes(d) 6/28 1972
    • Van Gelder Studio,Englewood Cliffs,NJ
      1-3What It Was

      Music:Dexter Gordon
      Dexter Gordon(ts),Thad Jones(flgn),Hank Jones(p),Stanley Clarke(b),Louis Hayes(d) 6/28 1972
      • Van Gelder Studio,Englewood Cliffs,NJ
        1-4The Days Of Wine And Roses

        Music:Henry Mancini , Lyrics:Johnny Mercer
        Dexter Gordon(ts),Cedar Walton(p),Buster Williams(b),Billy Higgins(d) 6/22 1972
        • Van Gelder Studio,Englewood Cliffs,NJ
          1-5The Group

          Music:Dexter Gordon
          Dexter Gordon(ts),Freddie Hubbard(tp),Cedar Walton(p),Buster Williams(b),Billy Higgins(d) 6/22 1972
          • Van Gelder Studio,Englewood Cliffs,NJ