The Procrastinator

Album The Procrastinator by Lee Morgan

Album art work of The Procrastinator by Lee Morgan
The Procrastinator
Disc #-Track #Song
Composer Lyrics Arranger
Additional Musicinas Group Name Soloists
Recording DateRecording LocationAttribution
1-1The Procrastinator

Music:Lee Morgan
Wayne Shorter(ts),Lee Morgan(tp),Bobby Hutcherson(vib),Herbie Hancock(p),Ron Carter(b),Billy Higgins(d) 7/14 1967
  • Van Gelder Studio,Englewood Cliffs,NJ
    1-2Party Time

    Music:Lee Morgan
    Wayne Shorter(ts),Lee Morgan(tp),Bobby Hutcherson(vib),Herbie Hancock(p),Ron Carter(b),Billy Higgins(d) 7/14 1967
    • Van Gelder Studio,Englewood Cliffs,NJ
      1-3Dear Sir

      Music:Wayne Shorter
      Wayne Shorter(ts),Lee Morgan(tp),Bobby Hutcherson(vib),Herbie Hancock(p),Ron Carter(b),Billy Higgins(d) 7/14 1967
      • Van Gelder Studio,Englewood Cliffs,NJ

        Music:Lee Morgan
        Wayne Shorter(ts),Lee Morgan(tp),Bobby Hutcherson(vib),Herbie Hancock(p),Ron Carter(b),Billy Higgins(d) 7/14 1967
        • Van Gelder Studio,Englewood Cliffs,NJ

          Music:Wayne Shorter
          Wayne Shorter(ts),Lee Morgan(tp),Bobby Hutcherson(vib),Herbie Hancock(p),Ron Carter(b),Billy Higgins(d) 7/14 1967
          • Van Gelder Studio,Englewood Cliffs,NJ
            1-6Soft Touch

            Music:Lee Morgan
            Wayne Shorter(ts),Lee Morgan(tp),Bobby Hutcherson(vib),Herbie Hancock(p),Ron Carter(b),Billy Higgins(d) 7/14 1967
            • Van Gelder Studio,Englewood Cliffs,NJ