
Album Honeybuns by Duke Pearson

Album art work of Honeybuns by Duke Pearson
Disc #-Track #Song
Composer Lyrics Arranger
Additional Musicinas Group Name Soloists
Recording DateRecording LocationAttribution

Music:Duke Pearson
James Spaulding(as),George Coleman(ts),Pepper Adams(bs),Les Spann(fl),Johnny Coles(tp),Garnett Brown(tb),Duke Pearson(p),Bob Cranshaw(b),Mickey Roker(d) 5/25, 5/26 1965
  • Atlantic Studios,NY,NY
    1-2New Girl

    Music:Duke Pearson
    James Spaulding(as),George Coleman(ts),Pepper Adams(bs),Les Spann(fl),Johnny Coles(tp),Garnett Brown(tb),Duke Pearson(p),Bob Cranshaw(b),Mickey Roker(d) 5/25, 5/26 1965
    • Atlantic Studios,NY,NY
      1-3You Know I Care

      Music:Duke Pearson
      James Spaulding(as),George Coleman(ts),Pepper Adams(bs),Les Spann(fl),Johnny Coles(tp),Garnett Brown(tb),Duke Pearson(p),Bob Cranshaw(b),Mickey Roker(d) 5/25, 5/26 1965
      • Atlantic Studios,NY,NY
        1-4Is That So?

        Music:Duke Pearson
        James Spaulding(as),George Coleman(ts),Pepper Adams(bs,cl),Les Spann(fl),Johnny Coles(tp),Garnett Brown(tb),Duke Pearson(p),Bob Cranshaw(b),Mickey Roker(d) 5/25, 5/26 1965
        • Atlantic Studios,NY,NY
          1-5Our Love

          Music:Larry Clinton , Lyrics:Bob Emmerich,Buddy Bernier
          James Spaulding(as),George Coleman(ts),Pepper Adams(bs,cl),Les Spann(fl),Johnny Coles(tp),Garnett Brown(tb),Duke Pearson(p),Bob Cranshaw(b),Mickey Roker(d) 5/25, 5/26 1965
          • Atlantic Studios,NY,NY
            1-6Heavy Legs

            Music:Duke Pearson
            James Spaulding(as),George Coleman(ts),Pepper Adams(bs,cl),Les Spann(fl),Johnny Coles(tp),Garnett Brown(tb),Duke Pearson(p),Bob Cranshaw(b),Mickey Roker(d) 5/25, 5/26 1965
            • Atlantic Studios,NY,NY