Dis Is Da Drum

Album Dis Is Da Drum by Herbie Hancock

Album art work of Dis Is Da Drum by Herbie Hancock
Dis Is Da Drum
Disc #-Track #Song
Composer Lyrics Arranger
Additional Musicinas Group Name Soloists
Recording DateRecording LocationAttribution
1-1Call It ’95

Music:Bill Summers/Darrell Robertson/Darrell Smith/Herbie Hancock/Will “Roc” Griffin
Bennie Maupin(ts),¥Wallace Roney(tp),Darrell “Bob Dog” Robertson,Wah Wah Watson(gt),Herbie Hancock(p),Mars Lasar(key),Frank Thibeaux(e-b),Ken Strong,Will Kennedy(d),Will “Roc” Griffin(prog-d),Niayi Asiedu(perc),Bill Summers(perc,tam) 4/6 1993
  • Garage Sale Studios,LA,CA (AND Studio 55,LA,CA)
    1-2Dis Is da Drum

    Music:Bill Summers/Darrell Robertson/Herbie Hancock/Mars Lasar/Will “Roc” Griffin
    Lázaro Galarraga(vo),Darrell “Bob Dog” Robertson,Wah Wah Watson(gt),Herbie Hancock(clv,syn,syn-b),Darrell Smith(syn),Ken Strong(d),Will “Roc” Griffin(prog-d),Bill Summers(perc),Doug Scott(elec) 4/6 1993
    • Garage Sale Studios,LA,CA (AND Studio 55,LA,CA)

      Music:Airto Moreira,Bill Summers,Will “Roc” Griffin
      Will “Roc” Griffin(prog-d),Airto Moreira,Bill Summers(perc) 4/6 1993
      • Garage Sale Studios,LA,CA (AND Studio 55,LA,CA)
        1-4Melody (On the Deuce by 44)

        Music:Chill Factor/Darrell Robertson/Darrell Smith/Will Griffin
        Chill Factor(rap),Darrell “Bob Dog” Robertson(gt,b-vo),Herbie Hancock(p,b-vo),Darrell Smith(e-p,clv,syn,b-vo),Will “Roc” Griffin(key,rap,prog-d),The Real Richie Rich(ttbl) 4/6 1993
        • Garage Sale Studios,LA,CA (AND Studio 55,LA,CA)

          Music:Bill Summers/Darrell Robertson/Herbie Hancock/Mars Lasar/Will “Roc” Griffin
          Francis Awe(vo),Darrell “Bob Dog” Robertson(gt),Herbie Hancock(p,clv,syn),Darrell Smith(syn),Guy Eckstine(d),Will “Roc” Griffin(prog-d),Bill Summers(perc),Munyungo Jackson,Skip Bunny(djembe) 4/6 1993
          • Garage Sale Studios,LA,CA (AND Studio 55,LA,CA)

            Music:Bennie Maupin ,Herbie Hancock
            Hubert Laws(fl),Herbie Hancock(clv,syn,syn-b),Mars Lasar(key),Ken Strong(d),Will “Roc” Griffin(prog-d),Bill Summers(perc) 4/6 1993
            • Garage Sale Studios,LA,CA (AND Studio 55,LA,CA)

              Music:Bill Summers/Lazaro Galarraga/Mars Lasar/Will “Roc” Griffin
              Lázaro Galarraga(vo),Darrell Smith(clv),Herbie Hancock(syn),Ken Strong,Will Kennedy(d),Will “Roc” Griffin(prog-d,b-vo),Bill Summers(perc,shkr,b-vo),Huey Jackson(b-vo) 4/6 1993
              • Garage Sale Studios,LA,CA (AND Studio 55,LA,CA)

                Music:Bennie Maupin,Jay Shanklin,Wallace Roney
                Bennie Maupin(ts),Wallace Roney(tp),Darrell “Bob Dog” Robertson,Wah Wah Watson(gt),Herbie Hancock(p,syn),Darrell Smith(key),Jay Shanklin(b),Armand Sebal Leco(e-b),Will Kennedy(d),Will “Roc” Griffin(prog-d),Bill Summers(perc) 4/6 1993
                • Garage Sale Studios,LA,CA (AND Studio 55,LA,CA)
                  1-9Come And See Me

                  Music:Darrell Smith/Herbie Hancock/Wah Wah Watson
                  Wah Wah Watson(gt,vo),Herbie Hancock(e-p,syn,syn-b),Ken Strong(d),Will “Roc” Griffin(prog-d),Bill Summers(cga,perc) 4/6 1993
                  • Garage Sale Studios,LA,CA (AND Studio 55,LA,CA)
                    1-10Rubber Soul

                    Music:Bill Summers/Darrell Robertson/Darrell Smith/Herbie Hancock/Will “Roc” Griffin
                    Bennie Maupin(ts),Wallace Roney(tp),Darrell “Bob Dog” Robertson,Wah Wah Watson(gt),Herbie Hancock(p,clv,syn),Mars Lasar(syn),Armand Sebal Leco(e-b),Ken Strong(d),Darrell Smith(prog-d),Will “Roc” Griffin(prog-d,elec),Bill Summers(perc) 4/6 1993
                    • Garage Sale Studios,LA,CA (AND Studio 55,LA,CA)
                      1-11Bo Ba Be Da

                      Music:Herbie Hancock,Wah Wah Watson
                      Bennie Maupin(ts),Wallace Roney(tp),Darrell “Bob Dog” Robertson, Wah Wah Watson(gt),Herbie Hancock(p,clv,syn,syn-b),Darrell Smith(e-p),Mars Lasar(key),Ken Strong(d),Will “Roc” Griffin(prog-d,elec),Bill Summers(cga,perc),Brady Speller(perc)
                      Angel Rogers,Hollis Payseur,Kaaren Ragland(b-vo)
                      4/6 1993
                      • Garage Sale Studios,LA,CA (AND Studio 55,LA,CA)
                        1-12Call It ’95 [Remix]

                        Music:Bill Summers/Darrell Robertson/Darrell Smith/Herbie Hancock/Will “Roc” Griffin
                        Darrell “Bob Dog” Robertson,Will “Roc” Griffin(mix) 4/6 1993
                        • Garage Sale Studios,LA,CA (AND Studio 55,LA,CA)
                          1-13Mojuba [Remix]

                          Music:Bill Summers/Darrell Robertson/Herbie Hancock/Mars Lasar/Will “Roc” Griffin
                          Darrell “Bob Dog” Robertson,Will “Roc” Griffin(mix) 4/6 1993
                          • Garage Sale Studios,LA,CA (AND Studio 55,LA,CA)