Standard Coltrane

Album Standard Coltrane by John Coltrane

Album art work of Standard Coltrane by John Coltrane
Standard Coltrane
Disc #-Track #Song
Composer Lyrics Arranger
Additional Musicinas Group Name Soloists
Recording DateRecording LocationAttribution
1-1Don’t Take Your Love From Me

Music:Henry Nemo
John Coltrane(ts),Wilbur Harden(tp,flgn),Red Garland(p),Paul Chambers(b),Jimmy Cobb(d) 7/11 1958
  • Van Gelder Studio,Hackensack,NJ
    1-2I’ll Get By (As Long As I Have You)

    Music:Fred E. Ahlert
    John Coltrane(ts),Wilbur Harden(tp,flgn),Red Garland(p),Paul Chambers(b),Jimmy Cobb(d) 7/11 1958
    • Van Gelder Studio,Hackensack,NJ
      1-3Spring Is Here

      Music:Richard Rodgers , Lyrics:Lorenz Hart
      John Coltrane(ts),Wilbur Harden(tp,flgn),Red Garland(p),Paul Chambers(b),Jimmy Cobb(d) 7/11 1958
      • Van Gelder Studio,Hackensack,NJ

        Music:Bronisław Kaper , Lyrics:Paul Francis Webster
        John Coltrane(ts),Wilbur Harden(tp,flgn),Red Garland(p),Paul Chambers(b),Jimmy Cobb(d) 7/11 1958
        • Van Gelder Studio,Hackensack,NJ