Drums Unlimited

Album Drums Unlimited by Max Roach

Album art work of Drums Unlimited by Max Roach
Drums Unlimited
Disc #-Track #Song
Composer Lyrics Arranger
Additional Musicinas Group Name Soloists
Recording DateRecording LocationAttribution
1-1The Drum Also Waltzes

Music:Max Roach
Max Roach(d) 10/14 1965
  • Solo

Music:Jymie Merritt
James Spaulding(as),Freddie Hubbard(tp),Ronnie Mathews(p),Jymie Merritt(b),Max Roach(d) 10/20 1965
    1-3Drums Unlimited

    Music:Max Roach
    Max Roach(d) 4/25 1966
    • Solo
    1-4St. Louis Blues

    Music:W.C. Handy , Lyrics:W.C. Handy
    James Spaulding(as),Roland Alexander(ss),Freddie Hubbard(tp),Ronnie Mathews(p),Jymie Merritt(b),Max Roach(d) 10/14 1965
      1-5For Big Sid

      Music:Max Roach
      Max Roach(d) 4/25 1966
      • Solo
      1-6In The Red (A Xmas Carol)

      Music:Max Roach
      James Spaulding(as),Freddie Hubbard(tp),Ronnie Mathews(p),Jymie Merritt(b),Max Roach(d) 10/20 1965