
Album Groovy by Red Garland

Album art work of Groovy by Red Garland
Disc #-Track #Song
Composer Lyrics Arranger
Additional Musicinas Group Name Soloists
Recording DateRecording LocationAttribution
1-1C Jam Blues

Music:Duke Ellington
Red Garland(p),Paul Chambers(b),Art Taylor(d) 8/9 1957
    1-2Gone Again

    Music:Lionel Hampton, Curtis Lewis, Curley Hamner
    Red Garland(p),Paul Chambers(b),Art Taylor(d) 8/9 1957
      1-3Will You Still Be Mine?

      Music:Matt Dennis , Lyrics:Tom Adair
      Red Garland(p),Paul Chambers(b),Art Taylor(d) 8/9 1957
      • Arco
      1-4Willow Weep For Me

      Music:Ann Ronell , Lyrics:Ann Ronell
      Red Garland(p),Paul Chambers(b),Art Taylor(d) 12/14 1957
        1-5(What Can I Say, Dear) After I Say I’m Sorry?

        Music:Walter Donaldson, Abe Lyman
        Red Garland(p),Paul Chambers(b),Art Taylor(d) 12/14 1957
        • Arco
        1-6Hey Now

        Music:Red Garland
        Red Garland(p),Paul Chambers(b),Art Taylor(d) 5/24 1957