Urban Knights

Album Urban Knights by Urban Knights

Album art work of Urban Knights by Urban Knights
Urban Knights
Disc #-Track #Song
Composer Lyrics Arranger
Additional Musicinas Group Name Soloists
Recording DateRecording LocationAttribution
1-1On The Radio

Music:Bill Meyers,Maurice White
Grover Washington, Jr.(as),Paul Jackson, Jr.(gt),Ramsey Lewis(p),Bill Meyers,Mike Logan(key),Victor Bailey(e-b),Omar Hakim(d) 5/13, 5/14, 5/15, 5/16, 5/17, 5/18, 5/19, 5/20, 5/21, 5/22 1994
  • River North Studios,Chicago,IL
    1-2Wanna Be With You

    Music:Maurice White,Wayne Vaughn
    Jeanette Hawes,Sheila Hutchinson,Wanda Vaughn(vo),Grover Washington, Jr.(as),Paul Jackson, Jr.(gt),Ramsey Lewis(p),Bill Meyers,Mike Logan(key),Victor Bailey(e-b),Omar Hakim(d) 5/13, 5/14, 5/15, 5/16, 5/17, 5/18, 5/19, 5/20, 5/21, 5/22 1994
    • River North Studios,Chicago,IL

      Music:Bill Meyers,Maurice White
      Grover Washington, Jr.(as),Freddie Hubbard(tp),Paul Jackson, Jr.(gt),Ramsey Lewis(p),Bill Meyers,Mike Logan(key),Victor Bailey(e-b),Omar Hakim(d) 5/13, 5/14, 5/15, 5/16, 5/17, 5/18, 5/19, 5/20, 5/21, 5/22 1994
      • River North Studios,Chicago,IL
        1-4Hearts of Longing

        Music:Omar Hakim
        Grover Washington, Jr.(as),Paul Jackson, Jr.(gt),Ramsey Lewis(p),Bill Meyers,Mike Logan(key),Victor Bailey(e-b),Omar Hakim(d) 5/13, 5/14, 5/15, 5/16, 5/17, 5/18, 5/19, 5/20, 5/21, 5/22 1994
        • River North Studios,Chicago,IL

          Music:Bill Meyers,Maurice White
          Grover Washington, Jr.(as),Paul Jackson, Jr.(gt),Ramsey Lewis(p),Bill Meyers,Mike Logan(key),Victor Bailey(e-b),Omar Hakim(d) 5/13, 5/14, 5/15, 5/16, 5/17, 5/18, 5/19, 5/20, 5/21, 5/22 1994
          • River North Studios,Chicago,IL

            Music:Bobby Lewis,Frayne Lewis,Omar Hakim,Ramsey Lewis
            Grover Washington, Jr.(as),Paul Jackson, Jr.(gt),Ramsey Lewis(p),Bill Meyers,Mike Logan(key),Victor Bailey(e-b),Omar Hakim(d) 5/13, 5/14, 5/15, 5/16, 5/17, 5/18, 5/19, 5/20, 5/21, 5/22 1994
            • River North Studios,Chicago,IL
              1-7The Rose

              Music:Maurice White,Robyn Smith
              Jeanette Hawes,Sheila Hutchinson,Wanda Vaughn(vo),Grover Washington, Jr.(as),Paul Jackson, Jr.(gt),Ramsey Lewis(p),Bill Meyers,Mike Logan(key),Victor Bailey(e-b),Omar Hakim(d) 5/13, 5/14, 5/15, 5/16, 5/17, 5/18, 5/19, 5/20, 5/21, 5/22 1994
              • River North Studios,Chicago,IL
                1-8Urban Samba

                Music:Ramsey Lewis
                Grover Washington, Jr.(as),Paul Jackson, Jr.(gt),Ramsey Lewis(p),Bill Meyers,Mike Logan(key),Victor Bailey(e-b),Omar Hakim(d) 5/13, 5/14, 5/15, 5/16, 5/17, 5/18, 5/19, 5/20, 5/21, 5/22 1994
                • River North Studios,Chicago,IL
                  1-9Forever More

                  Music:Mike Logan
                  Grover Washington, Jr.(as),Henry Johnson,Paul Jackson, Jr.(gt),Ramsey Lewis(p),Bill Meyers,Mike Logan(key),Victor Bailey(e-b),Omar Hakim(d) 5/13, 5/14, 5/15, 5/16, 5/17, 5/18, 5/19, 5/20, 5/21, 5/22 1994
                  • River North Studios,Chicago,IL

                    Music:Bill Meyers,Maurice White
                    Grover Washington, Jr.(as),Paul Jackson, Jr.(gt),Ramsey Lewis(p),Bill Meyers,Mike Logan(key),Victor Bailey(e-b),Omar Hakim(d) 5/13, 5/14, 5/15, 5/16, 5/17, 5/18, 5/19, 5/20, 5/21, 5/22 1994
                    • River North Studios,Chicago,IL